The 2019 NCASA National Championship will be hosted by the University of Wisconsin Hoofer Sailing Club in conjunction with the Madison Youth Sailing Foundation (Patrick Heaney, its president, is one of the Co-Chairs) and the Mendota Yacht Club. The event is always held the weekend after Fathers’ Day, with Thursday June 20 for set-up and check in, and racing Friday through Sunday June 23. We are excited to help the UW Hoofer Sailing Club christen their brand new facilities at the UW Union. This project has been under way since we were last there and from what we hear it is spectacular! This is very possibly our fleets’ finest sailing venue with all of its offerings—sailing area, event social activities, extra-curricular activity potential, and all Madison has to offer. This is a not to miss event!
Regatta Headquarters will be in the glass room called Mendota Lodge which is located on the lower level of Memorial Union, directly on Mendota’s shoreline, just west of the terrace.  This room will be used mostly for any protests that need to be heard and for the RC and anyone else who needs shelter in case of bad weather or other delays. We are fortunate to have access to the newly renovated Union and the terrace while we are there. There will be parking available near by and will be announced as we get closer to the event.
Our Friday cocktail party will be held immediately post-racing (come in your gear direct from the water- do not pass go!) and our Saturday night dinner will take place at the Memorial Union Main Lounge, 2nd Floor, Memorial Union, 800 Langdon Street, Madison, WI 53706. This is a beautiful space graced with spectacular views of the lake with veranda and staircase to the Terrace and the lake.
Launching, trailer storage, access to mooring field, and limited dry-sailing will be at UW Lot 60 shown on the map at the bottom of the NOR. We will also have the haul-out, trophies and lunch on Sunday at this site.
Our PRO will be Mark DeGuire along with his team. Special thanks to Patrick Heaney and Donnie Anderson for arranging for and providing RC boats.
If you have not made your hotel reservations—please do so soon as they are all filling up! The blocks name is National Class A Scow Association at all of the hotel listed on the NOR and below as well. Also note—all of these room blocks are set to return any unused rooms to inventory 30 days prior to the event unless otherwise noted.
- Hotel room blocks will be released to the public as of Monday May 20th. If you have not made your reservations please do so.
- For reasons to follow we are requesting that you register for the event prior to June 1st as the UW Alumni Center is preparing gift bags for UW alums (there is a check box in the online registration form to indicate whether you are or any of your crew are alums) Catering numbers are also due the week following and will be more difficult to modify after that date so your help would be very much appreciated.
5/15/19 – Regatta Updates:
Launching and trailer storage Â
Madison has many public launches to choose from. Your choice will likely depend on where you intend to keep your boat(s). We have endeavored to arrange for the most options as you all will be scattered around the downtown area. Our suggestions are that if you are staying at the Edgewater you moor your boat(s) there. The Edgewater has slips for lease if you would like to keep your tender there as well. Launching can take place at any of the public launches in Madison and Donny Anderson has once again offered his field in Waunakee on the North West Corner of the lake on the Yahara River- https://goo.gl/maps/XLBGYNCrVTPBVPwP6 You will drive past his field on Hwy 113 going North by 800 yards and turn left on West River Road and again at the first left and follow that all the way back to the field. Follow the right hand fork staying on the gravel drive and then park out in the field w/ the other boats. Trailers, vehicles and tenders can be stored here.
The other option is to Launch your boat at Lot 60 on the UW Campus. The Hoofer’s (our Host) is offering parking for those that want it at lot 60. The fee will be $20/trailer or car. So if you want ether store your trailer there for the duration as you may be wet sailing you can for $20. If you would like to dry-sail from there it will cost you $20 for the boat and trailer and $20 for the Vehicle. You may store your tenders and trailers there too w/ the same fee structure. Please email Todd @ v115@mailbag.com if you have questions and would like to reserve spaces. Another option for those not staying at the Edgewater but that want to wet-sail is to moor your boat in University Bay straight out from the launch at Lot 60. You have the option of storing your trailer at Donny Andersons as noted above or paying the parking fee, or keeping it at the Hoofer’s Lab storage which is 5 miles from Lot 60 but is a bit cramped. We are trying to provide as many options as we can. If you plan to moor in University Bay—plan on 8’-15’ of water. The Hoofers will be providing a couple of taxi boats to and from the mooring field. They will also tow any boats that do not have tenders to the Edgewater or the mooring field.
Each registered boat will be provided w/ one parking spot at the UW Union for both parties or any other time over the course of the weekend as Headquarters is located there. There is only enough room for one car per boat so please consolidate.
A campus map will be provided indicating where the parties, HQ, and parking are as well as Lot 60 prior to the event.
Event Information:
Everything you need to know about the event is probably in the NORÂ which may be updated with new information as we approach the event. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask – see contacts below.
This regatta is open to A Scows that comply with NCASA specifications. You have until May 20, 2019 to register, after which there is an additional late fee of $100.Â
Hotels (ask for National Class A Scow Association room block):
The Edgewater Hotel
1001 Wisconsin Place
Madison, WI 53703
Online Booking Link: https://theedgewater.link/NationalClassAScowAssociation
Thursday, May 9, 2019 deadline
The Madison Concourse Hotel
One West Dayton St.
Madison, WIÂ 53703
Online Booking Link: https://reservations.travelclick.com/6388?groupID=2440424
The Double Tree by Hilton
525 West Johnson Street Â
Madison, WI 53703
Online Booking Link: https://doubletree.hilton.com/en/dt/groups/personalized/M/MSNDTDT-SCO-20190620/index.jhtml?WT.mc_id=POG
Hampton Inn & Suites Madison Downtown
440 W. Johnson St. Madison, WI 53703
Online Booking Link: https://secure3.hilton.com/en_US/hp/reservation/book.htm?inputModule=HOTEL&ctyhocn=MSNBJHX&spec_plan=CHHNCA&arrival=20190619&departure=20190623&cid=OM,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT
Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriot East Towne
2702 Crossroads Drive
Madison, WI 53718
Online Booking Link: Book your group rate for National Class A Scow Association
Hampton Inn East Towne
4820 Hayes Road
Madison, WI 53704
608- 244-9400
Online Booking Link: Book your group rate for National Class A Scow Association